Why are in-person meetings always better than a video conference?
In-person meetings are always better than a video conference because human interaction always beats pixels on a screen. Humans are social animals. They need to meet other humans to survive . The Psychology of Socialization Scientists believe that an average human meet s about three new people every day. Most of us remember the people we meet after age 5. If a person live s for about 78 .3 years , if we interact with 3 new people daily in cities, 365 days in a year plus leap yeas days is 365.24. In total it will be (78.3 – 5) x 3 x 365.24 = 80,000 people (about the seating capacity of the Eden Gardens Cricket Stadium, Kolkata) . Is that a lot? M eet ing around 80,000 people during our lives is not a huge feat if we break down the math . All these people are unique in their own wa...